Pumatech Introduces IntelliZone Software

New Product Continues to Keep Palm OS Users in Sync by Providing Time Zone Change Capabilities

Pumatech, Inc. (Nasdaq:PUMA), the leading provider of software infrastructure for the mobile Internet, today announced IntelliZone(TM) software, a downloadable application that provides Palm OS(R) handheld users with the capability to change time zones on their device. Additionally, IntelliZone enables users to automatically change e-mail and appointments across time zones to reflect the current time, automatically update the handheld to reflect daylight savings time, and utilize a built-in world map for easy time zone selection.

"Pumatech's technology has enabled the integration of mobile devices into the everyday lives of business professionals and consumers alike, and we are now providing these users with a tool that keeps them organized in a seamless fashion when they travel to distant locations," said Brad Rowe, co-founder, president, and CEO of Pumatech. "IntelliZone is the perfect complement to our best-selling Intellisync(R) software, ensuring that our customers' calendar and e-mail data is in sync with the time zone in which they're traveling, so they won't miss a beat."

IntelliZone is currently available for Palm OS users to download from Pumatech's Web site at www.pumatech.com for $19.95. By June 11, 2001, the product will also be available from a variety of online resellers, including Handango, Buyonet, PalmGear, BrainDock, and Beyond.com.


IntelliZone allows users of Palm OS handhelds to change the time zone on their device. With the touch of their stylus, users can select their new time zone, thereby ensuring that all e-mail and calendar events reflect the correct dates and times. IntelliZone also has the ability to notify a user when there is a daylight savings time change, automatically adjusting the device system clock for daylight savings time. Additionally, IntelliZone provides a map of the world, including the Americas, Asian, and European regions, to allow users to select different time zones in that region, greatly reducing the number of time zones a user would have to look through to find the correct one. Not only can you keep your Palm OS handheld in sync with all of your favorite applications, but you can now do it wherever your business takes you. IntelliZone keeps your critical information -- and time --in sync. Examples of how IntelliZone can benefit Palm OS handheld users include:

-- Traveling across time zones.

A national sales representative with multiple Eastern Standard Time-based appointments can view these appointments in the current local time as he or she travels to different parts of the country. The sales representative simply selects the new time zone from the list displayed on his or her Palm OS handheld, and all appointments and e-mail will reflect the current time. Meetings will not be missed with the failure of their alarm sounding at the wrong time.

-- Meetings and appointments where attendees are geographically dispersed.

An appointment in the form of a one-hour videoconference taking place in New York can be displayed in the correct local time on Palm OS handhelds of participants in Paris, Hong Kong, and Sydney.

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