A Unique Speed-to-Market Globalization Tool for Palm Application Developers MULTILIZER(r) 5.0 for Globalizing Palm OS Software Now Shipping

Helsinki, Finland -- July 2001 – Multilizer Inc., the leading provider of software globalization technology, has announced that MULTILIZER(r) Developer Edition TM 5.0 software, including binary-level localization support for Palm OS(r) applications, is now ready for shipping. As a result, the vast community of Palm developers is for the first time provided with an enterprise-level solution that enables rapid and easy multi-lingual software production and modification.

MULTILIZER(r) efficiently opens new markets for any Palm OS based software by localizing it and making it accessible to people around the world. It is the only globalization tool available on the software development market that is capable of searching and taking out all localizable strings directly from a ready-made Palm application, i.e. the *.PRC file. The original source code is not needed at all during the localization project. MULTILIZER(r) is based on standards defined in the Palm OS internationalization guidelines.

The new MULTILIZER(r) Developer Edition TM 5.0 provides an advanced way of sharing software development and localization among the product development team. The XML-formatted project database can easily be subsetted for translation purposes and then re-integrated with for example a user interface enhanced version of the application with only a few clicks of a mouse. All steps are assisted by a Wizard function implemented in MULTILIZER(r).

"Developing global software instead of relying only on English or some local dominating language adds value to the product. Producing several language versions has been expensive and time-consuming – but not any more", said Jari Partanen, CEO of Multilizer Inc.

"MULTILIZER(r) includes a Translator Memory that eliminates the need for translating text strings again and again for every future product, platform or development environment. All the hard work is done only once and then stored for future use. This saves as much as 80 per cent of the time and money needed for software localization", Mr. Partanen continued.

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