HP, Telefonica Moviles, Ericsson Espana and Generalitat of Catalonia -- Spain -- Create Joint Venture to Develop Mobile e-Services and Products

Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE:HWP), Telefonica Moviles, Ericsson Espana (through its subsidiary Ericsson Innova) and the Generalitat of Catalonia (Spain) have signed an agreement to form a joint venture company devoted to developing and marketing mobile applications and e-services.

The new company, called Tempos 21, intends to speed the availability of these mobile e-services and applications, helping create a world where seamless, friendly, efficient experiences are delivered to improve the way people work, learn and live their lives on the go.

Tempos 21 will focus on developing mobile phone-related products and mobile e-services and will serve as a catalyst to boost the market for applications on mobile networks (including GSM, GPRS and UMTS) --fostering business opportunities for companies and innovative services for customers. It also will serve as a seed and technology incubator for other initiatives.

The agreement was signed today by the Honourable Counsellor Antoni Subira i Claus, president of the Executive Council of the Catalonia Office of Foreign Investment (CIDEM) at the Industry, Trade and Tourism Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia; Ignacio Aller, executive director for Spain, the Mediterranean Basin and Global Development and executive director of Technology at Telefonica Moviles; Ingemar Naeve, chief executive officer of Ericsson Espana; and Juan Soto, president and chief executive officer of HP Spain.

Tempos 21 will be designed to take advantage of the synergies derived from the complementary profiles of its founding partners in aspects such as technological innovation, market knowledge, breadth of product and services and the facilitation of collaboration agreements. It will combine the worlds of mobile communication and information technologies with a wider, more complex range of services adapted to the professional, social and personal needs of mobile users.

The project is led by Telefonica Moviles and began a few months ago when draft agreements were signed with Ericsson and HP. The partners have since developed a corporate plan, business model and rules relating to the operation of the joint venture.

Tempos 21 plans to devote itself to developing, integrating and marketing predominantly in-house applications. This activity will focus on vertical applications aimed at increasing productivity and efficiency in economic sectors such as transportation, tourism, the automotive industry, telematics, leisure and entertainment. Horizontal applications are also to be developed on a collaborative basis, along with applications for the consumer market.

The applications will be marketed through the use of licences, although the joint venture also is expected to develop tailor-made projects, providing technological consultancy services and managing the integration of mobile solutions developed with customers' systems.

Tempos 21 also is expected to offer mobile-application services (W-ASP services) for small- and medium-sized enterprises and private-label services, primarily for mobile operators, aggregators and portals. It will be responsible for the application and provision of consultancy services, the development of integrated solutions in mobile telephony and the provision of laboratory services, tests and application certification.

Tempos 21 will be located in the Parque Tecnologico del Mediterraneo in Castelldefels in the Barcelona region (Spain).

The president of the company will be Miguel Menchen, director general of Services and Platforms at Telefonica Moviles and the vice president will be designated by Ericsson Espana. An independent professional will be elected chief executive officer.

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