American Access Technologies, Anixter International Team Up for First Wireless Zone Cabinet Order

October 25, 2001

American Access Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq:AATK), through its distributor Anixter International (NYSE:AXE), has sold 1,000 of its new wireless access point ceiling enclosures to a worldwide leader in networking services, the Company announced today.

The end-user is installing American Access enclosures after successfully testing them in a pilot program prior to implementing wireless networks into its corporate facilities around the country, said Vice President Wil Boyd.

"We are impressed at the ease in which Anixter and its global account management team is taking this product to the market. We hope this initial order is the first of many," Boyd said.

American Access manufactures patented zone cabling units that mount in ceilings, raised floors, and in custom furniture, routing traditional cabling, fiber optics and wireless to the office desktop. The Company's concept of "zone cabling" reduces costs for installation and moves, adds, and changes by as much as 70% while providing plug and play, up-gradable networks, fiber optics and wireless LAN.

Anixter International is the world's leading distributor of products that connect businesses to today's digital networks. The Company adds value to the distribution process by providing its customers access to: 1.) the largest technical sales force in the industry, 2.) more than 87,000 products and $600 million in inventory, 3.) 100 warehouses with more than 4 million square feet of space, and 4.) locations in 175 cities in 40 countries. Founded in 1957 and headquartered near Chicago, Anixter trades on The New York Stock Exchange under the symbol AXE.

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